
Monosodium Glutamate! 

Thanks to Paul Shilton and Susan Wesson for sending this partial recording of the song “Monosodium Glutamate,” sung by Greg, circa early 1980s. 


The song was composed by Paul (with lyrics by Paul and Jim Biros), for the “Theatre on the Move” children's touring show called “The Food Show.”

We are not sure if Greg sang all of the back-up tracks or if there were back-up singers from the cast of the Food Show. Please let us know if you participated!

Memories...from Susan Wesson  

I remember the first time I met Greg.  Doug Balfour introduced me to him. Greg was already in Cats, and was pretty well known in Toronto Music Theatre.  We were all going out to hear a friend's band.  I was pretty intimidated meeting this big star in music theatre circles.

Of course, I needn't have been. Greg and I started talking.  I was touring with a Theatre on the Move show at the time.  Greg and I started talking about Theatre on the Move, about Paul and Jim (who ran the company), and I work (now late)…

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Share the Magic! 

Greg's album, FUNNY DAY SATURDAY, is no longer available on CD, but you can listen — and share — on this site and on Spotify!

Update on Scholarships at Sheridan College 

BREAKING NEWS: We are thrilled to announce the creation of a second “Greg Bond Memorial Award” that will be granted annually to a deserving fourth-year student at Ontario's Sheridan College. The new award will be for $2,000. We have also been able to increase Sheridan's "Greg Bond Memorial Alumni Award” (for a qualified graduate) from $1,000 to $2,000, starting this year. 

The college faculty are planning for a return to an in-person ceremony this year, on the evening of April 27 at the Oakville campus…

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Betty Mitchell Awards: On Pause 

From 1998–2020, we were thrilled to provide (through a charitable partner) an annual $1,000 award in Greg’s memory at the Betty Mitchell Awards. As of 2020, our charitable partner was no longer able to facilitate this award, and since the Betty’s is not a registered charity, we had to discontinue it for now. 😢 Congratulations to all of the previous recipients!

Wildwood Warbler Tribute to "Funny Day Saturday" 

The Wildwood Community Association's May 2022 newsletter features a lovely article by the Edworthy Park Heritage Society about Greg's song. Here's an excerpt:

“A teenaged Greg Bond, who grew up in Wildwood, was inspired to sing about the gulls in a song that he composed while sitting in his high school class at the old Ernest Manning…In many ways this song captures spring, the poetry in nature, the spirit of our community, and the beauty of windy days and gulls soaring overhead high above the park.”


On Monday, March 14th, 1985, at 8:00 p.m. in the Elgin Theatre, an amazing event took place. In a venue that hadn't been used for live theatre in sixty years, the hit Broadway show CATS opened with an all-Canadian cast and crew. It took the City of Toronto by storm for two years and then took over the entire country for two years while the Elgin Theatre was being restored to its original glory. After touring coast to coast, CATS returned to sell-out crowds at Massey Hall. Five years...what a trip!

This year…

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Greg's Spirit of Song lives on! 

Greg was loved by many fans and members of the musical theatre community, and is fondly remembered by those who worked with him as a highly dedicated professional with a wonderfully positive attitude towards the theatre and towards life.

One of his passions and concerns was the environment. His song "Fixing Up This World" reflects the urgency he felt in taking responsibility towards saving the environment. To this end we feel that this song needs to be heard.

Greg's family has produced a CD of his music which…

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